Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vocb. Fall List #2

  • Simulate - To create a simulation, likeness, or model of a situation , system, or like.
  • Jaded - Dulled or satiated by overingdulgence.
  • Umbrage - offensive; annoyance; dipleaser. The slightest indication or vaguest fellings of suspension, doubt, hostility or the like.
  • Lurid - Grusome; horrible; revolting.
  • Transcend - To rise above or go beyon; overpass; exceed.
  • Provinvial - Belonging or pecualiar tp something particu;ar province: local.
  • Petu;ant - Moved to or showing sudden impatien irritation, especially over something trifling annoyance.
  • Intecrede - To act or interpose in behalf or someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition.
  • Hackneyed - Made common place or trite; stale, banal.
  • Approbation - Approval; commendation. Official approval or sanction.
  • Innuendo - An indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or derogatory nature.
  • Coalition - A combiation or alliance. especially tempory one between persons, factions, states, etc.
  • Elict - To draw or bring out or fourth; educe; evoke.
  • Hiatus -  A break or an interruption in the continuity of a work series. action, etc.
  • Expostulate - To reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done; remonstrate.
  • Decadence - The act or proceses of failing into an inferior condition or state; deterioration.
  • Assuage - To make milder or less severe; relieve, mitigate.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Earth on Turtle's Back - Tone and Mood

On the story for "Earth on Turtle's Back" I feel lik the tone for this story is that it starts out just neice ane calm and then it gets kinda tense but then eventually the story has a brake through and eventually sort of has a good ending. I think that the mood is like its supposed to be sort of inspirational, that no matter what challenge comes in your way you could succeed if you just push your to your limit.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Socratic Seminar

Thred #1 - I do agree that you should have the right to your own opninion but I think there is a certain point or a certain subjects were you should keep your opinion to yourself so that way you won't harm or anger anyone around you.

Thred #2 - For "Earths On Turtles Back"  I feel that this story was like an old myth or a folk tale that people from many centeries ago used to tell each other before astronomy came into the world. I also feel like there is also a meaning to the it, I feel like in the story they are also trying to say that you don't need to be the biggest or the fastest to the strongest. I feel like that if you can push yourself to the edge and succeed in whatever you want to accomplish.

Thred #3 - I feel that technology is very importan, especially in this decade. We use technololgy to find cures for diseases, find and store information, contact people, and ect. but i feel like we are also are using technology in stuff that we can simply do ourselves or  there comes to point were we can't live with out, which is why i try not to get to attach to it. A big percentage of todays teens have a smart phones, computers, ipods, ipads, PS3's and so much more and we all feel like we would die without all of it which i think is not true. All I have is a phone and a computer and I'm okay with that I don't need any of that technology because I don't  need it. Also if anyone else notices this, but comercials these days are having alot of products for little kids that involve ipods, ipads, and computers because companies are trying to get the younger generation to get used to having technololy and also buy there products. I don't like it one bit because sooner or later the kids aren't going to play outside as much or get as much excersice and they are going to think that they are going to need all of that but they really don't. So I think technology is a good thing for research and communication but I beleive in reality  we don't really need technology as much as we think we do.