Monday, February 4, 2013

Vocab #2

  1. Cadence - Rhythmic flow of sounds or words, as in verse or non metric free verse.
  2.  Patronage - Business provided by customers, client, etc.
  3. Centrifuge- high speed machine for separating substances.
  4. Sieve - Utensil with a meshed surface for staining.
  5. Phonograph - Sound-producing machine using records on the form of grooved disks.
  6. Saccharine - Overly sweet or sentimental.
  7. Vessel - 1. Container, especially for liquids. 2. Ship or boat.
  8. Dentifrice - Substance for cleaning teeth.
  9. Leisure - Time free from work. 
  10. Profusion - Abundance, abundant quantity.

     Word Remix :

So I decide for my remix that I am going to pick a word that I think that stood out and find a video that can show what the word means or at least can relate to the word. I'll probably be doing my remixes from now on.

  • Example of a cadence. Featuring Dartmouth 2012 Drumline

1 comment:

  1. Love the remix had a nice like really fast beat that kind of just made me think I was moving left and right so like freely and with rhythm of the beat.
