Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Applied Modernism

Why is it that stories or poems such as Fahrenheit 451, Theme for English B, Richard Cory, and The First Seven Years considered Modernist work? It's because they go beyond what everyone else is told to do, say, and even think. In these stories there is some type of departure of traditions, stream of consciousness, imagest, high art, low art, difficult truth, and generational truth. In Fahrenheit 451 Montag was streaming of consciousness after he met Clarisse. In Theme for English B the man was giving all these descriptions about himself and where he is and what he's doing now, that's a great way of imagest. The authors that wrote these stories and poems had the same mind concept and wanted to show it to people around the that you don't need to things a certain way, you can do what you want do, say, or think. These authors wanted to tell people that they're capable of making decisions for themselves and they don't need anyone else tell them how to live their own life, which is the point to all these stories and poems.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Modern Moments

From then and now, everything has changed in the past five years. I have changed in the past five  years. Five years ago i was twelve years old, I was in my first year in jr. high, and I remember getting excited about growing the smallest bits of facial hair on my face. Now I'm seven-teen, I'm in my third year of high school, I have gotten more mature as time went by, went through some bad and good experiences, and now I think it's a pain in the butt to shave my face every other day. My education has also changed in the past years, now instead of following a system to were I am mostly told what to believe or what to learn, now I can post my thoughts on the internet about a subject and get feedback from different people and they can tell me what they think about the topic or also about my thoughts about topic. It's cool to think in over a short period of time such as five years things can just change like that. I would have never imagined that I would have a blog and never thought that people would follow and response to it. So if you think about it modernism is like life, it changes constantly and you never know what to expect.

Monday, February 25, 2013


For my modernist I choose was F. Scott Fitzgerald. I picked him because his name sounded really familiar and little did I know that he wrote the lyrics for the "Star-Spangled Banner". I also liked his life story and his backround because it really interested me. I'm looking forward to about Fitzgerald life and his work.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fox In Sox Video

Fox In Sox Challenge! 
Totally failed hahaha! XD


1. Rudy Valentine -  score: 10/10
2. Whitney Houg -  score: 10/10 
3. Andrew Alcazar -  score: 10/10
4. Francisco Ayala - score: 8/10
5. Ethan Clardy - score: 9/10
6. Frank Limon -  score 8/10
7. Uriel Ruiz -  9/10
8. Lissette Villalobos -  score 10/10

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Vocab #5

1. Brouhaha - Excited public interest, discussion, or the like, as the clamor attending some sensational event; hullabaloo. 
2. Cloy - to be weary by an excess of food, sweetness, pleasure, etc.
3. Demeanor - Conduct; behavior; deportment.
4. Deference - Respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc.
5. Enigmatic - Resembling an enigma; perplexing; mysterious.
6. Definitive - Most reliable or complete, as of a text, author, criticism, study, or the like. 
7. Bumptious - Offensively self-assertive.
8. Choleric - Extremely irritable or easily angered.
9. Bulwark - A wall of earth or other material built for defense; rampart.
10. Curtail - To cut short; cut off a part of; abridge; reduce.
11. Adamant - Utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals. 
12. Profligate - Utterly and shamelessly immoral dissipated; thoroughly 
13. Mawkish - Characterized by sickly sentimentality; weakly emotional.
14. Thwart - To oppose successful; prevent from accomplish a purpose.
15. Onus - A difficult or disagreeable obligation, task, burden, etc.
16. Requisite - Required or necessary for particular purpose position. 
17. Mollify - To soften in feeling or temper, as a person; pacify; appease.
18. Sartorial - Of or pertaining to tailors or their trade.
19. Presentiment - A feeling or permission that something is about to happen, especially something evil.
20. Impromptu - Made or done without previous preparation.
21. Forbearance - The act of forbearing; a refraining from something.
22. Remit - To transmit or send (money, a check, etc.) to a person or place, usually in payment.

Monday, February 18, 2013


For the Fahrenheit 451 Essay I feel like I did okay. I could felt like I've could have done a lot better if I didn't procrastinate so much and pay more attention to the book. Overall I felt like I got a C+ to a C-. Sad to say I didn't really give it my all in this assignment and in the end I got chewed up at the end for it. So for sure I will be trying to give all my effort in my assignments so that way I can get better grades and not feel like crap.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vocab #2 Pt. 2

1. Harlequin - Classic comedian or buffoon.
2. Toil - Hard continues work.
3. Strewn - Scattered randomly.
4. Gibbering - To speak meaninglessly.
5. Delinquents - Failing; neglectful of an obligation.
6. Veiled - Not openly or directly expressed; hidden; obscure.
7. Insidious - Treacherous or deceitful. 
8. Praetorian - Of or pertaining a praetor.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Vocab #2

  1. Cadence - Rhythmic flow of sounds or words, as in verse or non metric free verse.
  2.  Patronage - Business provided by customers, client, etc.
  3. Centrifuge- high speed machine for separating substances.
  4. Sieve - Utensil with a meshed surface for staining.
  5. Phonograph - Sound-producing machine using records on the form of grooved disks.
  6. Saccharine - Overly sweet or sentimental.
  7. Vessel - 1. Container, especially for liquids. 2. Ship or boat.
  8. Dentifrice - Substance for cleaning teeth.
  9. Leisure - Time free from work. 
  10. Profusion - Abundance, abundant quantity.

     Word Remix :

So I decide for my remix that I am going to pick a word that I think that stood out and find a video that can show what the word means or at least can relate to the word. I'll probably be doing my remixes from now on.

  • Example of a cadence. Featuring Dartmouth 2012 Drumline